The 4 Levels of Consciousness

I have often wondered, and surely you have too, why some people do better in life than others. What do they do differently? What kind of people are they? Why does it work for them and not for me? If you identify with these questions, you are reading the right blog.

Vishen Lakhiani, creator of MindValley and author of “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind,” explains that we have four levels of consciousness. The first level is the lowest, which means being in a state of unconsciousness or “asleep.” Level 4 is the highest, which implies a high degree of emotional, mental, and spiritual development.

As you read the descriptions of each level, try to identify which one you are at. Some levels may seem far-fetched or unattainable, or simply make no sense to you. This indicates that you are not yet ready to enter that level and need to work on yourself. I know because I was there. I was so “asleep” that when I heard about ” consciousness awakening”,” I rejected it or didn’t even understand those terms. That was a long time ago. I can assure you that it is possible to progress, even if it takes time and effort. It’s worth it. Now, although I am not at level 4 as I would like, I am moving out of level 2 and heading toward level 3.

To move from one level to another, it is necessary to increase awareness and connection with yourself, others, the planet, and the Higher Self, Creative Intelligence, Universe, or God, as you prefer to call it. At level 4 are the most spiritual and elevated people. Let’s look at each level in detail:

Level 1: Outer World or Victim State

This is the lowest level of consciousness, where the person is “asleep” with little or no connection to themselves or others. Here, Lakhiani calls it the level of the outer world or victim state.

  • You are in an unconscious state, constantly in victim mode, externalizing all responsibility for what happens to you, and therefore consider that the problems are external to you.
  • You are immersed in a network of very strong social, family, and personal beliefs and paradigms, so you only see a very limited part of your own existence, your potentiality, and that of the world.
  • You live subject to the whims and instabilities of life and situations, living for others and not for yourself.
Tools to advance:
  • Recognize that you are “asleep” and have the will to get out of that state.
  • Become aware that we always have some responsibility for what happens to us, even those that are painful or difficult.
  • Know and understand your emotions and thoughts with honesty, courage, and compassion.

Level 2: The World You Choose or Awakening

This is when the person understands that they have the power and freedom to choose, therefore, they know they can choose the world they want to have, and consequently, take control of their own life.

  • You are no longer a victim of circumstances.
  • You realize that intention is a powerful tool to create the world you want.
  • You understand that your beliefs do not define you and you can get rid of what doesn’t serve you.
  • You become more aware of yourself and learn to connect with your inner being and with others.
Tools to advance:
  • You use intention, that is, you understand that good things happen because you act with intentionality, “if I want, I do everything to make it so.”
  • Question social rules and explore new ways of doing things.
  • You start using positive affirmations and creative visualization, you can create a vision board, write your goals, your purpose, and your life objectives. “The most valuable skill you can develop is the ability to direct your thoughts towards what you desire and give them absolute attention.” Esther Hicks.
  • Practice regular and guided meditation.

Level 3: Inner World or Recoding of the Being

At this level, the person understands that there are two worlds: an internal one and an external one, which marks a significant advance towards the elevation of the being.

  • You understand that you can recode yourself, unlearning what doesn’t serve and learning what drives you.
  • You have a strong inner work and can modify your reality.
  • You open up to transcendental practices and introspective experiences.
  • At this level, there is a significant transformation, and some practices from level 2 become small for this level. For example, now you are not guided by intention, but you start to be guided by your intuition, that is, your intuition guides your intention, it is the spirit that guides your path. For this, you must develop a high level of connection with yourself and with the Universe, God, or Creative Intelligence. You will feel a flow within you.
Tools to advance:
  • Forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, and manifestation.
  • Continue with creative visualization and positive affirmations.
  • Daily meditation and transcendental practices.

Level 4: Extraordinary Being

At this level, the person knows that they not only inhabit this world but can also change it. It is the level of visionaries who know they can improve the world for the good of the entire planet. They have a superior level of connection with everything that exists and a Higher Being.

  • You follow your intuition, connect, base your intention on your inspiration, and choose to improve the world. In the words of Neal Donald Walsh, “your life is about all the lives you touch.”
  • You feel a deep connection with everything and believe that the Universe is benevolent and life is based on well-being and collaboration.
  • You live in the present and always seek the best for everyone.
Tools to advance:
  • The same as in level 3, but enhanced and transformed into part of your everyday and natural life.
  • It is natural for you to meditate, be present in the here and now, take care of your world, and always seek the best for everything.